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Công ty TNHH Du lịch dịch vụ và thương mại NTD
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Công ty TNHH Du lịch dịch vụ và thương mại NTD

ĐC: Phòng 708-709, tòa nhà 115 Lê Duẩn, Hà Nội
Xem bản đồ:
Tel: 04 3942 5899
Email: support@ntdtravel.com.vn
Website: http://ntdtravel.com.vn
Đại diện:

NTD Travel - Always at your request :: Asian Destination : Hotels, tours, travel infomation

NTD is the preferred travel and tour service provider in Hanoi, the Capital city of Vietnam. Our reputation is earned each day by our team inspired to provide client-discoverers with innovative experiences to venture into the beautiful environs, fascinating communities bound together by thousands of years, and opportunities to respectfully engage with sincere and hospital local residents.  
With more than [14] years of experience serving clients and satisfying their travel and transportations needs, NTD has developed a professional and client-oriented team that is friendly, easy to correspond with, and that shares an understanding of the value of maintaining our reputation for professional and high quality service delivery and for developing long term relationships with clients, whether organisations or individuals, resident in Vietnam. We understand that not all clients require an active travel and tour service provider but rather prefer, for many reasons, to go it alone.  NTD has the capacity, competence and the culture of professionalism to assist individuals and organisations in making all the necessary arrangements for such excursions.

NTD is your location for short-term and long-term vehicle leases in Hanoi and the surrounding vicinity. NTD is currently a vehicle service provider to hundreds of foreign enterprises and organisations in Vietnam, and our clients, as always, will enjoy our team's culture of professionalism and its shared understanding of the importance of market reputation and developing long term relationships. Clients will also enjoy the variety of makes, models, and accessories that we are able to offer to clients with our substantial inventory of vehicles.

Our professional, high quality service is reflected in our team's four business fundamentals: safety, reliability, convenience and value-for-money. Among these four fundamentals, safety is of the paramount importance to NTD and as a result all of clients will enjoy and feel at ease with our experienced chauffeurs responsible for safety when you are inside an NTD vehicle and our technical team responsible for vehicle maintainence and repair before and after each excursion.

The doors of NTD are never closed.  We remain open and ready to service your needs 24 hours a day, 365 days each year (except for leap years!).  When your plans change and unscheduled events and requirements arise, NTD is ready to provide its everyday punctual, professional, reliable services that keep you safe and leave you with a value for money feeling. During these occasions, and indeed others, NTD is able to provide secretarial assistance and services on demand. 

Customer service is at the heart of what we do at NTD, and our commitment manifests itself in our team's inspired delivery to you of efficient travelling and transportation solutions to individuals, enterprises and organisations, whether resident in Vietnam for decades or just here for the afternoon, please consider NTD in selecting a provider of the services you need, delivered in the way you deserve.

Công ty TNHH Đo đạc & Kim Khí Nghệ An
Thi công mái xếp mái che di động
Showroom vật liệu xây dựng Thái Huỳnh
Công ty CP Xây dựng Mỹ thuật & Thương mại Thắng Lợi Lộc
Công ty Bất động sản Tân Long Nghệ An
Công ty CP Hosung
Họ Vương Việt Nam
Cửa hàng Thực phẩm sạch Nghệ An
Doanh nghiệp cùng Địa phương
Công ty TNHH Đo đạc & Kim Khí Nghệ An
Thi công mái xếp mái che di động
Showroom vật liệu xây dựng Thái Huỳnh
Công ty CP Xây dựng Mỹ thuật & Thương mại Thắng Lợi Lộc
Công ty Bất động sản Tân Long Nghệ An
Công ty CP Hosung
Họ Vương Việt Nam
Cửa hàng Thực phẩm sạch Nghệ An
Hôm nay: 1,669 | Tất cả: 72,646,593
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